I almost forgot to write a blog entry this week. Last night I wasn't feeling well and tonight I need to pack for a weekend of visiting my family on the other side of the state. (Plus, I'm still coming down off the high of hearing that Fringe has been renewed for season 4... but I digress.) I totally pulled a Martha.
No, not Martha Stewart (although, I'm thinking her parents gave her that name for a reason!), but Martha, sister of Mary. Her story is laid out in Luke 10. Jesus came to stay at the home of Martha and Mary while He was travelling through their village. Mary chose to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to Him teach while Martha busied herself with all the preparations. She probably cooked, and cleaned, and got distracted with all the little things that start to go wrong when company comes over. And along the way, she probably thought to herself, "I'm the only one who does any work around here; no one appreciates me." In her frustration, she finally asked Jesus to tell her sister to help her.
What did Jesus say? “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her" (verses 41-42). Martha got so involved in all the work to be done, she forgot that the ultimate Teacher was there, waiting to spend time with her. She could have been listening to Jesus the whole time, but she was too busy.
How often do we do that? Pretend we're too busy for God? I do it more than I care to admit. I did it tonight by almost neglecting to update this blog. I need to remember that my Master is always ready to spend time with me, if I'll just put down the broom and sit at His feet.
On the flip side of that, I wonder... what would have happened if Martha had been sitting alongside Mary, listening to Jesus? How would the food have gotten cooked? The beds made? The house cleaned? We need Marthas. We need people who are willing to work when others are not. Marthas tend to run the world (or at least the household). The thing about Marthas is, they need to learn how to take a break. And that work isn't the only thing in life.
So how about you, are you a Mary or a Martha? I tend to be a bit of both at times.
I love this post!! That verse where Jesus says, "Martha, Martha".. I literally crossed out and wrote "Leanne, Leanne" above it. Cause I worry about EVERYTHING, but God wants us to focus on him! thanks Alannah! I needed this post! =)