Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Wisdom of Katy Perry

Yes, you read the title correctly.

"Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed, so you could open one that leads you to the perfect road..."

"It's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be called, standing on the front lines when the bombs start to fall."

"She could be a Joan of Arc, but he's scared of the light that's inside of her, so he keeps her in the dark."

These are all lyrics from songs on Katy Perry's album Teenage Dream, but they also feel like they could be embossed on a plaque or stitched into a pillow on your grandma's sofa. Now, I wouldn't advocate for everyone to go out and listen to the whole album, but there are some nuggets of truth in a few of the songs. The lyrics above are from songs that encourage girls to not be held back by adversity, but to press on to a greater purpose. That's sort of my point for today... lessons can come at any time, from any angle, often when you're least expecting it.

John 4:1-26 tells the story of a Samaritan woman who was performing the mundane task of drawing water from a well when she encountered the Living Water. She probably didn't think anything exciting was going to happen to her that day. But at the well, she had a conversation with the Son of God.

In Acts 9, we read about a man who once persecuted followers of Christ, then meets his Maker on the road to Damascus. And so Saul becomes Paul, one of the heroes of our faith.

Maybe you are having a bad day. Maybe someone really annoying, who you don't think has anything of value to say will strike up an awkward conversation with you. Maybe... just maybe you shouldn't run from a bad situation. But wait for the wallop of wisdom to hit you- "Boom, boom, boom even brighter than the moon, moon, moon."

1 comment:

  1. AMAZING!!!! So true!!! I really needed to read this today!!! I feel the same way when I see 8 mile.... It is an odd place to get inspiration, but it truly makes me want to live a life worth something... Thanks A!! =)
