Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Little Things

Do you ever let yourself get really annoyed by the little things? You know how it is; you're having a bad day and one little thing can set you off. Someone cuts you off in traffic, you get a paper cut, the top of your ice cream cone falls off, etc.

Today the opposite thing happened to me. I was having a pretty normal Wednesday, nothing special really. But something so small made it a really great day. I feel that often I get caught up in the habitualness of my everyday life, that I don't take the time to enjoy the little things. A beautiful sunset, a smile from a friend, a really great piece of chocolate.

There's no big lesson I really learned this week. Nothing truly enlightening or heart wrenching I have to share. But I did want to share a small lesson, one I've seemingly forgotten time and again.

Enjoy life. As Christians, we are here to serve God and bring Him glory, but I think He also wants us to have fun while doing it. So this week if you receive a random act of kindness or a few extra dollars come your way, receive it as a blessing. Remember that life is short and meant to be enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is a blessing to me!! =) I agree... Don't you love it when God gives you a little extra smile on your face? =)
