I slept for over 4 hours this afternoon. I would normally be ashamed of something like that. I'd be upset I wasted a big portion of the daytime... but today, I accepted the fact that I needed that sleep. And probably more than that. I've been exhausted. Hence, the lack of updates. I've been exhausted... emotionally, physically, spiritually. Just exhausted.
Without getting into all the gory details, I've had a crapstorm of a week that involved my brand new car being backed into, thinking I was going to loose my tooth, and worrying that my dog might meet the big fire hydrant in the sky. It sucked, and I didn't feel like I had anything to give to anyone, let alone this blog. I felt defeated, dragged down. And that's how I was living my life for the better part of a week.
I started comparing myself to Job. I realized that I still had my mom, my friends, my church and my job. But I just wasn't sure where God was in all of this. I mean, I had just been in a car accident a few weeks ago. Now, to make matters worse, my baby needed over $4,000 in repairs. AND on top of all of that, it has now been almost a whole month since my best friend moved away.
When it rains, it pours.
But I realized something. Regardless of the crappy things that happen to us as a result of living in a fallen world, God still has a plan. He still has a purpose for my life. He's still given me a dream to chase. I'm not going to give up just because the waters are getting a little choppy. It may sound silly, but I actually found encouragement from a fortune cookie yesterday. It said, "A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor." It's true. If I'm expected to navigate this crazy life, I'm going to need to learn how to handle some difficult situations.
So, as I learned in Bible study this week, I'm just going to "keep on truckin'..." no matter what puddles I have to drive through.
Also, no matter what junk I've been though this past week, it's nothing compared to what the people in Joplin and other areas affected by the tornadoes are going through. Here's an article I found of ways to help.
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