Everything hurts, and everything is sore right now. I think it’s mostly stress… but also, that’s what happens when you’re in a car accident. The BFF and I were being good, little Christians, on our way to Bible study yesterday, when- BAM! Some loser-face jerkwad child of God flew through the stop sign and slammed right into us. Had it not been for her swerving, it would’ve crashed right into the driver’s side. I shudder to think what would’ve happened to my best friend if that were the case. Thankfully, God chose to spare us and we veered off to the side of the road- right between a telephone pole and chain link fence.
You’ve probably heard the phrase that God’s got you right where He wants you. Well, I think in that situation, He wanted us right between those two objects. Not a foot to the left or a foot to the right. In fact, had anything happened one millisecond off the way it did, my bestie and I could be toast right now. But we’re not. ‘Cause God’s got our backs… and our fronts.
Often, when crazy things like this happen, we start to focus on the negative: how much damage there is, how much it’s going to cost, all the 1,001 aches and pains going through our bodies the next day. Instead of all that, I want to focus on the positive- the holy crap, I’m alive positive. We didn’t see that car coming. We had no way of knowing he wasn’t going to stop at that stop sign. But God did. He also knew we were going to be fine. I’ve been through things like this before, and to be honest, the first inclination is always, “Why did God let this happen to me?” Sure, He could’ve stopped that other car. He could have slowed us down by making a dog run out in front of the car. But, we sometimes forget that we are subject to this fallen world we live in. The guy who hit us made a bad decision, and now he’ll have to live with the consequences of that decision.
The point I’m trying to make, is that we can’t always see where the road in front of us is going. We don’t know the destination. But we have a Father who can see every side street, every intersection. He knows where it’s going to be gridlocked and where construction is taking place. Are we going to run into some red lights? Sure. A few fender benders? Most definitely. But it makes me feel a whole lot better knowing I serve Someone who can see all the road before me and knows where my final destination is.
Side note: please pray for my friend’s car. The insurance company still has to assess the damage.
Thanks BFF!! I def needed to read this!! I freaking love you!!! =)